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Are you in the will of God?

Writer's picture: IvineIvine

One of the most misunderstood and mysterious topics to many believers is God's will.

I think that many times, as believers, we put more pressure on ourselves than what God intended for us to carry. A year ago, I found myself searching for God's will for my life. I was confused because everyone had their interpretation of God's will. Is the will of God different for every person? I would hear people beat themselves up because if something went wrong, they felt like they were out of the will of God. My curiosity peaked because if that is the case, every time something does not work out as we thought it should, then that would mean everyone is out of the will of God because even the season Saints, things will not go as planned. Would God make it that hard to stay in his will? Would he make it a mystery but intend us to stay in his will? Because someone is ill, does it mean they are out of his will? The answer to all of those questions is No. The will of God is simple, and if we would slow down and take time to digest his word, the answer is there right in front of our eyes. Let's go to John 6:40, I recommend reading the whole chapter to get a deeper revelation, but for the sake of this discussion, we will focus on that verse and will be using the amplified version.

John 6:40 Amplified Version

40 For this is My Father's will and purpose that everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him [as Savior] will have eternal life, and I will raise him up [from the dead] on the last day."

Of course, we may not physically see Jesus now, but we must have faith that Jesus Christ is who he said he is, our Savior. All that believe this will have everlasting life, and when the end times the last day arrives, he will raise us up out of the grave, out of this world to be in heaven. So what does that mean? The will of God is salvation. Are you in the will of God? That is a personal question. If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior, you are in the will of God. The will of God is not different for me than it is for you. The will of God has been the same since the Old Testament until the New Testament. He desires that we accept the invitation. The will of God – salvation will bring you peace in troubled times, joy the world cannot take away, and conviction when you are wrong. Trails are going to come, heartache will happen, and disappointment will happen, but because it does, it does not mean that you are out of the will of God. As, I mentioned earlier that when I started researching the will of God for my life, little did I know I was already there. So, are you in the will of God???

Until next time,

Ivine Lucas - Author

My Yes, His Way

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